17 Janvier 2022
6:30 pm à 8:00 pm
New Brunswick,
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Anxiety & Depression
This 12-week program will provide opportunity for participants to gain knowledge, awareness and education for anxiety and depression. It will enable participants to gain healthy coping skills to manage anxiety and depression, and also provide opportunities for peer support within the context of a therapeutic group environment.
The program provides support, tools, and education for those living in the community with anxiety and / or depression to develop coping strategies to build resiliency, enhance communication skills, as well as improve overall quality of life. Offered by a trained facilitator.
Mondays, January 17 to April 4, 2022
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Free online program – preregistration required
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpdO2spjksHtWq9OxO1-CYt6Aa_gN2pgkQ