Mindfulness (Saint John)
Thursdays, March 16 to April 20
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
A six-week skills-based program designed to introduce you to the benefits and practice of mindfulness in your everyday life and to teach you the basics of mindfulness meditation.
Mindfulness is an approach to self-care that encourages us to connect with our mind, body, and spirit.
Mindfulness is a non-judgmental way of paying attention in the present moment to what is happening within us and around us. When we pay attention in this way, we see things more clearly and develop a greater understanding of why things are the way they are. Mindfulness takes you out of your same old patterns. You are no longer battling your mind in the boxer’s ring – you are watching, with interest, from the stands. The detachment doesn’t lead to passivity, but to new ways of thinking. This is especially helpful in anxiety and depression, which plagues sufferers with relentless ruminations.
Participants will learn how to practice mindfulness to calm the mind and to improve both mental and physical health. Each week, new mindfulness techniques will be taught and practiced within the group setting.
Click here for program brochure
Free program. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Registration deadline for this program is Thursday, March 9 at 4pm.
For more information and how to register, please contact (506) 652-1447 or dawn.odell@cmhanb.ca
To register, please visit our Saint John office at 560 Main St, Suite A315, Saint John NB E2K 1J5
(Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call 633-1705 in advance to ensure office is open or for directions)