What is BounceBack®?
It’s common to feel low, stressed out, worried, depressed, irritable, angry, or nothing at all. With the right tools and practice, you can reclaim your mental health. You have the power to make beneficial changes, and we are here to help.
BounceBack® gives you access to materials and resources that can be customized to fit your needs. You will have access to workbooks, activities, videos, and a trained coach who can provide up to six telephone sessions.
Choose how and when you’d like to access the program. Your journey, your pace.

BounceBack® Coaching
If you like having someone motivate and encourage you to reflect, the coaching program may be right for you. A trained BounceBack® coach will help you learn skills to improve your mental health in up to six telephone sessions over three to six months. Your coach will help keep you on track and offer support as you work through the program materials. You design your own program by selecting materials from 20 different modules. Coaching + workbooks are available in English and French.

BounceBack® Today Videos
If you’re not quite ready for the BounceBack® Coaching, or are waiting for your coaching sessions to begin, check out our series of online videos. The videos will provide you with practical tips on managing your mood, sleeping better, building confidence, increasing activity, problem solving and healthy living. Videos are available in English and French.
How the program has helped others
“I am filled with gratitude to have come through the BounceBack® program twice with my self-confidence restored and with a cleansed and clear mind. Speaking to my coach every two weeks along with putting in my self-work allowed me to learn how to cope with my anxiety, my fears and mend my close relationships post-trauma… it was like I was talking to my long-lost best friend every few weeks – enlightening, educating and without judgement! Every one of us deserves to bounce back through this life-enhancing program.” – BounceBack® participant
Check out the materials
You can choose from 20 different workbooks that include titles such as Understanding Worry and Stress, Overcoming Sleep Problems, Being Assertive, Practical Problem-Solving Skills, Changing Extreme and Unhelpful Thinking, Building Relationships with Your Family and Friends and Planning for the Future. Shorter format booklets are also available for individuals who may be overwhelmed by the longer format workbooks. You can choose from 12 different booklets that include titles such as Why Do I Feel So Bad?, I Can’t Be Bothered Doing Anything, and 10 Things You Can Do To Feel Happier Straight Away. And don’t forget about our online videos that are available at any time (using access code: bbtodaynb).
Who we are
The BounceBack® team includes administrative staff and coaches who offer telephone support in both official languages.
The coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, including psychology, social work, and people with lived experience. All coaches receive extensive training by the clinical psychologists in the delivery of the BounceBack® program. They also receive ongoing support from the clinical psychologists and are regularly monitored once their formal training is completed. In addition, all team members receive training in other areas, including Mental Health First Aid, cultural and LGBTQ+ competency, and trauma-informed care.